In 2020, BPS will conduct major activities, namely the Population Census of 2020 (SP2020). Therefore, careful preparation is needed for the success of these activities. One form of preparation carried out by BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Barat Province is the coordination of all BPS work units in Kalimantan Barat through the Regional Technical Meeting (Ratekda) Preparation for SP 2020 2019.
This Ratekda activity was held at the Maestro Hotel Pontianak from 19-21 November 2019, with participants coming from BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Barat Province, as well as regencies / municipalities. This activity was opened by the Head of BPS-Statistics of Kalimantan Barat Province, Mr. Ir. Pitono, M.Ap. In his remarks, he stated that SP2020 would use a different methodology from the previous census, in which the population registration data from Dukcapil was the basic data for the implementation of the population census in the field. This was done to answer the challenges in realizing One Population Data in Indonesia, in line with the spirit of Presidential Regulation No.39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia.
This methodology change will have an impact on all aspects, both technical and non-technical aspects, such as changes in business processes that must be prepared in a relatively short time. With this new business process, he advised the entire BPS ranks, both in the Province and regency/ municipality, to be able to coordinate and collaborate in the process of preparation, field enumeration, as well as determining the appropriate mitigation strategies for each stage that did not go according to plan .